A Step by Step Method to 10x Your Business and Personal Growth without Sacrificing Your Marriage, Family, or Mental Health in the Process

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march 18-22
11am-12pm CST

5-Day Virtual EvenT

A Step by Step Method to 10x Your Business and Personal Growth without Sacrificing Your Marriage, Family, or Mental Health in the Process

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MAY 6-10, 11am-12pm CST daily

5-Day Virtual EvenT

For most entrepreneurs who keep hitting the glass ceiling, yet know they’re made to build something significant...

During this masterclass, I am going to teach you how to...

build and grow your business from a solid foundation, so you can step out of the crazy cycle and become unshakable in your success while staying connected in your closest relationships. 

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They can either step into their next level of personal leadership, emotional intelligence, mental mastery, and deeper faith or they can stay stuck teetering on the edge of burnout and overwhelm.

One leads to unprecedented business growth and an acceleration of clarity, purpose, and personal satisfaction...
The other leads to resentment, dream-disillusionment, and a constant desire to throw in the towel.

this masterclass

How to 10x Results in Your Business & Strengthen Your Most Important Relationships

How to Break the Addiction to 'Doing' and Create Better Results, Using the RISE Method

How to Master Confidence & Overcome
Your Limiting B.S. (Limiting Belief System™)

How to Have Ultra High Performance & Follow-Through, Without Burnout & Overcommitment

How to Break Through the 3 Biggest Blocks Preventing You from Abundance & the 2.0 You

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will cover:











Recalibrate Your Capacity

Unleash Confidence on command

crystalize Power Communication

unlock the commitment code

become a conversion catalyst

either normal
or next level. 

Jenni Rae

 “All growth happens outside your normal.” 

I'm Jenni Rae

I am a Business & Peak Performance coach, speaker, and author with 20 years of experience in building businesses and guiding business owners toward their fullest potential. My expertise lies in ensuring that owners operate at their peak levels, safeguarding their health, relationships, and businesses from burnout or breakdown.

Specializing in emotional intelligence & stress resilience, mindset mastery, and holistic success, I empower entrepreneurs and business owners to recalibrate and achieve both thriving businesses and fulfilling relationships.

I am the founder of Do. WIT Coaching, a company dedicated to the mission of creating a new generation of leaders...2.0 CEOs™ - individuals committed to Doing What It Takes to lead their families, businesses, and relationships to deeper faith, greater impact, and higher levels of abundance by BECOMING their next-level, 2.0 selves.


recalibrate your core connection

Break Your Addiction to 'Doing' & Drive Better Results Doing LESS, Using the RISE Method 

day 01

The 5 CORE breakdown

Unlock the commitment code

How to Have Ultra High Performance & Follow-Through, Without Burnout & Overcommitment

Become a conversion catalyst

Break Through the 3 Biggest Blocks That are Preventing You from Abundance and The 2.0 You

Unleash confidence on command

Master Confidence and Unleash the Inner Champion by Overcoming Your Limiting B.S. (Limiting Belief System™)

crystalize power communication

10x the Results You’re Getting in Your Business & Strengthen the Relationships That Matter Most to You

day 02

day 03

day 04

day 05

Before I discovered the RISE Method, I was fairly normal. 

And by normal, I mean your typical driven, ambitious entrepreneur - exhausted, overwhelmed, and barely connecting with my husband.
I was busy running around juggling 1 million roles and responsibilities of running the businesses, homeschooling our kids on and off, managing weekly migraines…all while trying to look good, have it together, and not to fall apart.

Which meant I was rarely, if ever, available for ME. 

One day I had an epiphany:

I was an addict and doing was my drug of choice. 

Hustling to be productive and take care of everyone else instantly validated me. Landing a client, achieving the next rank, or powering through to the next challenge to conquer was the hit and the high I needed to carry me through the pain of things that I couldn’t change or felt out of my control. 

I was full-on addicted to “doing” as a way to numb the loneliness and ignore the growing disconnect I felt within myself and with others.

I didn’t have time to fall apart - too many people depended on me. 

They needed me to keep being normal
busy, burnt out, and always available to them. 

After helping countless entrepreneurs over 2 decades… 

to launch and grow businesses and juggle the demands of family, 
I noticed similar trends in them as I studied neuroscience & performance. 

TREND #1: 

yet get very different results.


If the “game of business and life” were just about strategy, 
we could assume everyone with a solid strategy would be successful.

They don’t know how to win the INTERNAL GAME

results in business & relationships flow out of a combination of your inner game - emotional intelligence, mindset, & belief system - and your habits & behaviors.


So why aren't they?

(Emotional Resilience + Mindset + Beliefs) + Action =


You don’t need another business strategy. 

TREND #2: 

and grow to fear success as much, if not more, than they fear failure.

Many high-performing entrepreneurs want to go to another level in their business but secretly battle fear and overwhelm that they don’t have the capacity to keep driving the way they have been…

You rarely have time for yourself (or feel guilty if you take it)
and your body has started to let you know.

You know you’re headed for burnout or breakdown if you don’t shift how you work.

It seems no matter how much you accomplish in a day, you crash in bed feeling exhausted and behind.
You don’t feel present in your closest relationships and the disconnect scares you.

You thought if you could just find a better business strategy life would finally slow down,
your marriage would improve, & you could take a much needed break.

you need a 

You Strategy

The Good News
is This…

You can confidently & powerfully own your business AND have thriving relationships

…without sacrificing yourself, health, & happiness to do it

when you become a 2.0 CEO.

In 2019, Nathan and I were faced with the second hardest thing we’d ever encountered over nearly 2 decades of marriage together - we separated for 18 months and came to the point of divorce papers signed and in hand. 

The first hit in 2006 when we buried our son, after tragically finding him face down in his crib not breathing. 

For 15 years after, we raised 3 other amazing children and transitioned from being pastors to serving people in the marketplace. We launched several businesses to multi-six figures together and by all appearance, were crushing it.

Until 2019 came…and we buried our marriage.

We both went to work on ourselves, realizing that for years we’d been in a crazy cycle of trying to manage and control each other, our circumstance, and our pain. 

We were doing amazing things while being completely disconnected from ourselves, each other, and our greater purpose.

Through that tumultuous time, we clung to our faith in God - that He alone is the difference-maker and could help us not just restore a marriage - but restore ourselves as individuals….if we were willing to partner with Him. 

Faith for anything - business, family, or your marriage - isn’t passive. It requires action. And action we both took. It was slow. Painful. And at times felt hopeless. We were juggling multiple businesses at the time, 3 teenagers, and learning new ways of showing up for ourselves. 

A year and a half later, Nathan proposed to me on a bridge in Nashville, asking if he could “Go again.” We both knew that in order to get something new, we individually had to show up new.

The 2.0 Marriage we wanted depended on us individually becoming the 2.0 version of ourselves. 

Breaking through to a new level in any area of our lives isn’t about learning how to attain or achieve something.

It’s about learning how to BECOME something.

In spite of some painful deaths in our 2 decades of life together as a couple, we now have a firm belief that on the other side of death there is always a resurrection. 

Dead things can and do RISE. 

And that is why we have made a way for you to experience that too.
Even when things feel too far gone, too messed up, or too dead, we want to invite you to learn the core strategies we did of how to RISE above your 1.0 way of doing life to a greater level of abundant life, hope, and freedom. 

A resurrected or restored life isn’t a perfect one. 
But it’s certainly a 2.0 one. 

Update the “system” you’ve been operating in - the system of how you do relationships - and you’ll transform your entire life. 

Your business will transform, 
your body and health will improve, 
and you’ll experience more joy and peace than you've ever dreamed possible. 

The future you want to create is waiting on the person you must become.

It’s time to let go of the 1.0 You…and RISE as a 2.0 CEO Leader.

why we rise

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RISE showed me I can go again. My life isn’t over or set in stone. I’m just getting started. 




“This experience was the beginning of creating the future I want, because before coming to RISE, I had no idea what
it looked like.”




“If you’re contemplating whether or not you should go to RISE, just do it. I can guarantee you won’t regret it!”




As a 2.0 CEO You will:

- Develop faith that moves mountains
- Defy decades of limiting beliefs & patterns 
- Step into next-level leadership
- Reinvent your relationships & business